Marina Dee - World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Reader and Healer from Australia is coming to India on 27th March to 4th April 2017

Marina Dee - World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Reader and Healer from Australia is coming to India on 27th March to 4th April 2017

Bookings are open for various sessions.
Sessions include :

1. 2 Hour Workshop to Learn How to Meditate and Channel to connect with passed loved ones and to be more in tune with yourself to learn how to do readings. Get her CD on "Guided Chakra Channeling Meditation" Free with the workshop
Set dates are Saturday 1st April 2017 and Sunday 2nd April 2017.

2. One on one session /reading Connecting to a passed loved one and guidance for the future.

3. 45 min one on one Healing through energy and chakras.

4. Smudge /cleanse of negative energy with in yourself, home or business.

5. One on one Guidance through spiritual counselling.

World Renowned Medium Australian Clairvoyant Psychic Reader & Healer